Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A few things...

((Originally Posted February, 2007)

I've added a bio of myself (not to be self-promoting or anything) on the right, and de-cluttered this bage by removing the January and December postings and creating archives on the right. My *plan* is to update this blog semi-daily, but this could fluctuate due to my school and work schedules.

I need your input now. I'm working on re-creating this through a blog hosting service, which would allow for comments to be left right below each message, and allow for me to "categorize" each posting (if you're familiar with blogs you know this), but I'm finding it hard to get the layout I want. I like this layout, but it doesn't allow for such interface. Should I keep it like this, and just have people comment in the Forums (I'll create a new thread for each post) or via email, or should I put it on a hosting service, but lose the layout?

And a few other notes about the site in general... I've removed references to the Podcast, eMuseum, and Library from the homepage because, in all honesty, I can't get these completed in the near future. They will come, I assure you, but it may be quite some time. I also revamped the news block to feature an image and 'top story', with several RECENT headlines below. Everything older will be moved to the "newsroom" page, which I'm finishing up now and should be up soon.

PLEASE give me any feedback or comments you have, I want to make this site great, and I had a chance to speak to several people in person recently, and they want it to work out as well. Also, if you're interested in writing a column, doing an online "exhibit", donating photos, writing, or anything else, please email me. Thanks for visiting and reading the CharlieBlog!

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